Pet Evaluation & Membership
For your first visit, you must bring a copy of your pet’s vaccinations from your veterinarian.
The coordinator will meet with you to evaluate your pet’s suitability as a volunteer and take
you through the procedures at the facility you are visiting. If your pet meets the requirements
and you decide to become a member, you will be given a registration form. This form must be signed
by your veterinarian to verify that all vaccinations are up to date and your pet is suitable for this
type of work. This form must be returned to a coordinator with your dues. Membership is not valid, and
liability insurance will not cover volunteers, without the signatures of the veterinarian and facility
coordinator on the form.
Current due are $20 per pet per year. This registration fee is paid annually and covers some of our club
expenses: liability insurance for scheduled visits, pet scarf, newsletters three times per year, postage, etc.
Our fiscal year runs July 1 – June 30, but new members are welcome at any time.
After you are registered you may attend any of the scheduled Pet-A-Pet site visits by providing the
coordinators with a copy of your registration. Some visits have some additional requirements, such
as TB tests. The coordinator can provide the specific details.
Participation in Pet-A-Pet volunteer activities can be applied to community service
requirements for high school students. Please ask your coordinator.